Asian College of Neuropsychopharmacology


Corporate Membership

AsCNP offers three levels of Corporate Membership: Platinum Corporate Membership, Gold Corporate Membership, and Silver Corporate Membership.

Corporate Members receive the following benefits.

Membership Fees
Platinum USD$2,000 per year
Gold USD$1,000 per year
Silver USD$500 per year
  1. Banner on AsCNP website.
    Corporate Member’s name and website links featured on AsCNP website.
    PlatinumOne global company and up to 10 subsidiaries
    GoldOne global company and up to 3 subsidiaries
    SilverOne company
  2. Invitation to AsCNP Congresses (free registration)
    Platinum 10 delegates per congress
    Gold 3 delegates per congress
    SilverOne delegate per congress
  3. Listing in AsCNP Congress Program
    Platinum One global company and up to 10 subsidiaries
    GoldOne global company and up to 3 subsidiaries
    SilverOne company
  4. Eligible to make a presentation as a first author at AsCNP Congress
    Platinum5 presentations per congress
    Gold2 presentations per congress
    SilverOne presentation per congress
  5. Priority sponsorship sessions at AsCNP Congress
    Platinum Sponsorship information 1 week prior to official announcement, Priority for 3 sponsorship slots during the early registration period
    Gold Sponsorship information 1 week prior to official announcement, Priority for one sponsorship slot during the early registration period
    Silver Sponsorship information 1 week prior to official announcemen
  6. Priority exhibition at AsCNP Congress
    Sponsorship information 1 week prior to official announcement, Priority for exhibition area allocation during the early registration period
  7. Introduction to AsCNP members whom the company wants to contact.
    PlatinumUp to 5 members per year
    GoldUp to 2 members per year
  8. AsCNP endorsement of Corporate Member’s medical educational meetings/activities (each meeting or activity requires proper submission to the AsCNP Committee and review by the AsCNP Committee before such endorsement is granted)
    PlatinumUp to 5 meetings/activities per year
    GoldUp to 2 meetings/activities per year
    SilverUp to 1 meeting/activity per year